Wednesday, 26 November 2014

What is your opinion about working on weekends ?

Just YES or NO is not sufficient for such question, You always need to support what you say. Such Interview Questions may have following Insights.

Possible Insights:

  • To know if you are flexible enough to come on weekends to work if need be.
  • To know how is your work style and planning and do you usually overrun schedule.


  • Response should say that are flexible to come on weekends, holidays; work over time etc. whenever it is critical for the project.
  • Make sure that overrunning the schedule is not a usual case for you because you plan better.
  • Proactively you can also add what you will do, so that you do not have to face this situation often.

Example Answer:

I will be ready to work on weekends or holidays if it is really critical for the project. However, generally, that is not the working style I would like to adopt. In my opinion, if the initial planning is done with care, such situations would not occur frequently. In my last project, we had similar issues in the schedule, after the first client delivery, we had team meeting to understand the schedule slippage and then corrective action of adding a domain of expert in the team who was missing initially to deal with the problem.

Anti Pattern:

  • Do not just say "yes" or "no". Elaborate.
  • Never say that in my last project we have worked all weekends and holidays thinking that your hard work impress the interviewer.

Interviewer's Interpretation;

  • Just saying yes indicates you are gullible whereas saying no indicates your inflexibility.
  • Interviewer would form an opinion that if you have to work all weekends for a longer duration, someting is wrong with you or previous organization you worked with.

Saturday, 8 November 2014

If I provoke you to fight with me what will be your reaction ?

Most Students find difficult to answer such questions when asked in interviews because they never experience such conditions. Such questions may have hidden intentions. 

Possible Intention:

  • To know if you have a spirit to fight.
  • To know you stay firm on your stand or give up easily.
  • To know if you can distinguish between aggressiveness and assertiveness.
  • To know if you can take a stand and have clarity of thinking about it.


  • It is a very crucial quality not to give up easily.
  • If you are sure that your point of view is legitimate, stand for it. You may have to work little extra to convince.

Example Answer:

If the fight is on legitimate issue, i will fight. This means that I will not give up when I am convinced that my approach is correct. I will try to give more information to prove my point and simultaneously be open to positive views.

Anti pattern:

  • Never claim that you are correct all the time and others should change their views.
  • Never leave your politeness while answering because this is still acting and not real situation.
  • Do not loose temper if any such type of hurting question is asked.
  • Do not accept things because interviewer is senior. This shows you are gullible.

Interviewer's Interpretation:

  • Gullible or confused candidates are not good because they can land into trouble while dealing with aggressive clients.
  • Too much aggressive body language and tone indicate defensive nature.
  • Polite, calm and firm response is what interviewer looks for.