Before accepting or asking any offer, it is important to know what package is offered by similar companies for same post. Such question may have following possible intention.
Possible Intention:
- To know if you are aware of salary ranges offered for specific job.
- To know how you price yourself for job, exorbitantly high or low.
- You need to know the salary offered for a job with your skills and experience.
- If you are asking a good hike considering you current pay package then justify what skills and experience you have added after starting your current job.
- Remember that this question does not indicate that you are hired and salary negotiate would start.
Example Answer:
My current salary is $ xxxx per month/per annum. I learnt a couple of technologies and tools like Weblogic application server and business process management suite. I have successfully executed two projects on Java technology using the said tools. Considering this, I think I am worth more and expect around 30 percent raise.
Anti Pattern:
- Do not give a figure; better give a range.
- Do not start negotiating, the job is not yet offered.
- Do not hesitate. State assertively what your worth is.
Interviewer's Interpretation:
- Knowledge of typical salary ranges shows your initiative and good homework.